du 15 Juillet au 15 Août 2010
° Le terrain de beach volleyball se situe sur Vevey Plage et la Place du marché de Vevey
° Le terrain est ouvert gratuitement à tout jeune âgé de 6 à 16 ans sans discrimination aucune
° Le terrain est ouvert tous les jours de 10 à 16 heures
° Tout jeune fréquentant le lieu s’engage à respecter le présent règlement
° Tout jeune pourra émettre des idées et faire des propositions pour mieux se divertir
° Le personnel de la Fédération Mondiale de Volleyball et de Beach Volleyball et les jeunes feront preuve de respect mutuel quant aux envies, goûts et idées de chacune et de chacun
° Le personnel de la FMVB est composé de 2 animateurs dont les tâches principales sont :
- Être à l’écoute et de conseiller les jeunes
- Offrir un lieu avec un état d’esprit convivial
- Faire jouer les jeunes au Beach Volleyball et aux jeux de balle
- Faire découvrir de nouvelles activités et de nouveaux horizons
° Nous t’aidons à réaliser tes envies, tel qu’un tournoi de beach volleyball sur le sable voire d’autres jeux de balle
° Nous t’aidons à faire du sport avec tes copains et copines tout en s’amusant dans un bon esprit
° Nous fournissons tout le matériel sportif (filets, antennes, ballons etc.)
° En participant, tu recevras de l’eau pour te désaltérer ainsi qu’un cadeau souvenir de la FMVB
° la Responsabilité des jeunes incombe dans tous les cas de figure aux parents.
Nous nous réjouissons de t’accueillir et de jouer avec toi. Viens nous voir à Vevey Plage sur la Place du Marché où le terrain de beach Volleyball est installé. Ciao.
Jean-Pierre Seppey Président FMVB
Kelly Sprunger Assistant Pdt
Melissa Zanolari Collaboratrice
Florian Urfer Sport Manager
Basile Seppey Collaborateur
Charles Weber Collaborateur
lundi 12 juillet 2010
Kids camp à Vevey Plage : Une première en Suisse romande !
« Enfants et adolescents, venez vous amuser sur le sable ! »
Après de nombreux kids camps organisés en Afrique, Europe, Asie et en Amérique, la Fédération Mondiale de Volleyball et de Beach Volleyball (FMVB) a choisi de s’installer sur le terrain de Vevey Plage à la Place du Marché du 10 juillet au 15 août de 10 à 18 heures.
Cette initiative s’inscrit dans la philosophie de la FMVB qui s’investit pour les enfants dans le monde. Le but est de permettre aux enfants et adolescents (6 à 16 ans) de s’initier et se perfectionner gratuitement à différents jeux de balles et au beach volleyball sur des petits terrains adaptés. Ils seront accueillis par des moniteurs de la FMVB. A cette occasion, chaque participant recevra un cadeau souvenir.
La FMVB a pour partenaires la commune de Vevey (services des sports, de la jeunesse), Vevey Plage, Finstral, Cornèrcard et la Zürich Assurance.
A noter encore que cette action sportive en faveur de la jeunesse précèdera l’étape du Championnat du Monde de Beach Volleyball WVBF Protour qui aura lieu sur la Place du Marché de Vevey du 11 au 15 août.
Pour toute info, contactez Kelly Sprunger, Assistant du Président, 079 539 72 05
Après de nombreux kids camps organisés en Afrique, Europe, Asie et en Amérique, la Fédération Mondiale de Volleyball et de Beach Volleyball (FMVB) a choisi de s’installer sur le terrain de Vevey Plage à la Place du Marché du 10 juillet au 15 août de 10 à 18 heures.
Cette initiative s’inscrit dans la philosophie de la FMVB qui s’investit pour les enfants dans le monde. Le but est de permettre aux enfants et adolescents (6 à 16 ans) de s’initier et se perfectionner gratuitement à différents jeux de balles et au beach volleyball sur des petits terrains adaptés. Ils seront accueillis par des moniteurs de la FMVB. A cette occasion, chaque participant recevra un cadeau souvenir.
La FMVB a pour partenaires la commune de Vevey (services des sports, de la jeunesse), Vevey Plage, Finstral, Cornèrcard et la Zürich Assurance.
A noter encore que cette action sportive en faveur de la jeunesse précèdera l’étape du Championnat du Monde de Beach Volleyball WVBF Protour qui aura lieu sur la Place du Marché de Vevey du 11 au 15 août.
Pour toute info, contactez Kelly Sprunger, Assistant du Président, 079 539 72 05
dimanche 28 février 2010
WVBF Ethical Principles
The WVBF, World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Federation , and her members pursuant to the Article 2.1.1 of the WVBF Constitution, announcing their adherence to the Olympic Charter and to its fundamental principles notably the educative value and the good example, concerned to guarantee the sport ethics within the Beach Volleyball and the Volleyball family, adopt the present Ethical principles.
The WVBF members pledge particularly to defend the democratic, transparency and professionalism principles which are the WVBF fundamentals. Consequently, the members compel themselves to respect and to make everybody respect the present Ethical principles when pursuing objectives defined by the WVBF and with their respective competences trough any competitive, social and moral action.
Dignity means the appropriate respect of the rights of the individual notably the right to the private life.
1. The safeguarding of the human being dignity is a fundamental requirement for all.
2. There shall be no discrimination for members on the basis of race, sex, ethnic origin, religion, philosophical or political opinion, marital or family status or others.
3. The expression freedom, fundamental basis of the democracy, must be guaranteed in the WVBF when it respects the Constitution provisions.
No member could be suspended or expelled for having expressed an opinion even different of the common one.
4. Any form of praxis denigrating physically, mentally or morally any individual will be prohibited.
5. Any form of harassment, physical, moral, professional, or sexual will be prohibited.
6. The members should guarantee to the players, official and leaders the adequate conditions of safety, well-being and medical care for the physical and mental wellness.
7. Any doping process is absolutely prohibited at all the levels. The world anti doping instructions adopted by the WADA must be respected carefully.
Integrity means to be honest, to refrain from all incorrect behavior and to face life circumstances with moral strength and incorruptibility.
1. The WVBF members and/or their representatives may not, directly or indirectly, ask, offer or accept any concealed remuneration, any commission, any advantage or hidden service, in any form other than authorized by the WVBF regulations.
2. It is prohibited to accept, buy or offer, directly or indirectly, personal presents or to offer particular privileges in order to be elected in a WVBF body.
3. Only small presents in accordance with the local customs may be given or accepted by the members for mutual respect and friendship. Any other present should be remitted by the member to the organization to which he (she) belongs.
4. The hospitality offered to the WVBF members, personnel and accompanying persons should not exceed the hosting country customs. During official competitions and events, the WVBF members are not authorized to be accompanied by family members or friends whose costs should be born by the WVBF, National federations, Associations, Individual, clubs or other organizations except if the concerned organization or Individual has clearly authorized it and assumes the additional costs.
5. The members shall fulfill their mission with diligence and care. They will do their best to avoid any act likely to tarnish the WVBF image and reputation.
6. The members shall achieve the assigned duties and functions with full responsibility without being controlled and in the complete respect and the best interest of the Beach Volleyball, the Volleyball and the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles and regulations.
7. The members must not be involved with companies or persons whose activities are
inconsistent with the principles defined in the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles and regulations.
8. The members are not authorized to give or accept imperative voting instruction for WVBF bodies’ elections.
The Conflict of Interest means a situation where :
• a person could have a gain or a personal advantage, direct or indirect, from a third party, due to his(her) decision(s) taken in the accomplishment of his(her) functions;
• the silence, the opinion or the decision of a person acting alone within an WVBF body or organization could be reasonably considered as possibly influenced by the relations which that person has, had or is going to have with another person or organization which could be affected by his(her) decision;
• a person performing a function on behalf of any of the WVBF members, suppliers or
partners is required to declare any possible conflict arising from his function or personal involvement with another WVBF member, supplier or partner;
• each WVBF member is responsible for avoiding any conflict of interest;
• confronted to a possible conflict of interest’s situation, the concerned person must refrain to give his(her) opinion, to decide or to accept any advantage. In case of doubt on an eventual conflict of interest’s situation, the concerned person should consult the Ethics commission/foundation in ethic which will act according to the regulations. This consultation will remain confidential.
1. The WVBF and WVBF members’ resources will be used principally for sport.
2. The income and expenses of each WVBF member will respect the transparency principle, the accounting rules and the legal obligations of their respective country. The accounts will be controlled by an external and independent auditor. If necessary, the member’s accounts will be audited by an external expert appointed by the WVBF Board of Administration.
3. The members recognize the importance of the contribution allocated to Beach Volleyball and Volleyball development and image by the TV, sponsors and other partners. However, their contribution and their modalities must respect the sport rules and the provisions defined in the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles and regulations. The TV, sponsors and other partners cannot intervene into the running of the sport institutions and the smooth running of the competitions which are the sole competence of the WVBF and her members.
1. Only the persons who distinguish themselves with a high moral behavior and who accept without exception to obey the Constitution and present Ethical principles, are eligible to the position of official or any body’s member.
The persons who do not or not fulfill any more theses criteria, are not eligible or should be excluded from their position. Are not eligible or should be excluded the persons whose definitive penal condemnation is incompatible with the exercise of his (her) function.
2. The conditions violating the democratic elections procedures and the Ethical principles, and giving advantages to any candidature’s category or excluding any other category are contrary to the democratic principles and cannot be accepted by the members.
3. The election to the WVBF Presidency or to any body’s membership should be held by secret ballot even if there is one sole candidate. As the ballot is secrete, the members cannot, individually or collectively, either announce in any form their voting intention or invite to vote for a candidate.
4. No meeting, no gathering in any form can be held in order to promote a candidature.
5. Equality of opportunity for the candidates must be guaranteed. A candidate in function should not abuse of his (her) position in order to influence the members’ vote.
6. The sanctions applied within the WVBF notably the expulsion of a member must respect the hearing rights of the member and must be based on the provisions foreseen in the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles and regulations.
1. The members pledge to represent with dignity the WVBF, the regions, the national
federations, Associations and the clubs in all their activities. They will commit to entertain harmonious relations with the IOC, the Olympic movement members, the states, the sponsors and the media in accordance with the WVBF universality, political neutrality principles and the Individual, Federations and Associations independency. However the humanism, fraternity and respect spirit for the human being, who inspire the sport ideals, require from the governments hosting competitions that their countries respect strictly the fundamentals principles of the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles and regulations.
2. The members are free to participate to the public life of their respective country. However, they shall not exert an activity or believe in an ideology contrary to the ethics, freedom and humanism principles defined in the Constitution and the present Ethical principles.
3. The WVBF members will do their best to safeguard the environment when organizing
competitions. During the competitions, they will commit to respect and have respected the general recognized rules for the environment protection.
1. The members shall fulfill their functions with an absolute loyalty and they shall not disclose confidential information or documents which they have got in the achievement of their function. The disclosure of information should not generate a personal profit or gain, either be made to tarnish a person or an organization’s reputation.
1. Disciplinary procedures shall be initiated directly by the WVBF Board of administration or the WVBF injured member who cease the Ethics commission. With the exception of the expulsion of a National Federation, Association or a Individual which is the exclusive competence of the Congress and the pure sports cases which are the competence respectively of the organizing committee, legal commission, Board of Administration and by appeal the CAS in Lausanne, the ethics commission can at any time be ceased by the WVBF Board of administration and/or any injured member for any breach of the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles and regulations. The ethics commission has the full power to investigate with all the means and WVBF support and documentation on the denounced case. The ethics commission recommends to the Board of administration after her inquiry to sanction or not the concerned member(s) according to the international law, Olympic charter and fundamental principles, WVBF Constitution, regulations and present Ethical principles.
2. A sanction may not be proposed to the Board of administration before the WVBF member concerned has had the opportunity to be heard and to present his (her) case.
3. A WVBF member who, after having been sanctioned for a violation of the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles or regulations, commits another violation of the same kind is subject to an increase in the severity of the sanction.
4. After having received the recommendation of the ethics commission, the WVBF Board of administration will take its decision according to the Constitution and will notify it to the member(s) concerned. This decision will indicate the deadline and appeal process, specifically mentioning the competent institution to revise the decision taken.
Sanctions imposed by the National Federations or Associations may be appealed to the WVBF Board of Administration within thirty days (30) calendar from their notification.
1. The present Ethical principles will apply to all WVBF members as defined in the Constitution.
2. The members will denounce to the ethics commission any breach of the Constitution and the present Ethical principles.
3. The ethics commission may define criteria and provisions in order to implement the present Ethical principles.
These Ethical principles enter into force immediately as approved by the 2006 WVBF Congress in Copenhagen on 25th November 2006.
The WVBF, World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Federation , and her members pursuant to the Article 2.1.1 of the WVBF Constitution, announcing their adherence to the Olympic Charter and to its fundamental principles notably the educative value and the good example, concerned to guarantee the sport ethics within the Beach Volleyball and the Volleyball family, adopt the present Ethical principles.
The WVBF members pledge particularly to defend the democratic, transparency and professionalism principles which are the WVBF fundamentals. Consequently, the members compel themselves to respect and to make everybody respect the present Ethical principles when pursuing objectives defined by the WVBF and with their respective competences trough any competitive, social and moral action.
Dignity means the appropriate respect of the rights of the individual notably the right to the private life.
1. The safeguarding of the human being dignity is a fundamental requirement for all.
2. There shall be no discrimination for members on the basis of race, sex, ethnic origin, religion, philosophical or political opinion, marital or family status or others.
3. The expression freedom, fundamental basis of the democracy, must be guaranteed in the WVBF when it respects the Constitution provisions.
No member could be suspended or expelled for having expressed an opinion even different of the common one.
4. Any form of praxis denigrating physically, mentally or morally any individual will be prohibited.
5. Any form of harassment, physical, moral, professional, or sexual will be prohibited.
6. The members should guarantee to the players, official and leaders the adequate conditions of safety, well-being and medical care for the physical and mental wellness.
7. Any doping process is absolutely prohibited at all the levels. The world anti doping instructions adopted by the WADA must be respected carefully.
Integrity means to be honest, to refrain from all incorrect behavior and to face life circumstances with moral strength and incorruptibility.
1. The WVBF members and/or their representatives may not, directly or indirectly, ask, offer or accept any concealed remuneration, any commission, any advantage or hidden service, in any form other than authorized by the WVBF regulations.
2. It is prohibited to accept, buy or offer, directly or indirectly, personal presents or to offer particular privileges in order to be elected in a WVBF body.
3. Only small presents in accordance with the local customs may be given or accepted by the members for mutual respect and friendship. Any other present should be remitted by the member to the organization to which he (she) belongs.
4. The hospitality offered to the WVBF members, personnel and accompanying persons should not exceed the hosting country customs. During official competitions and events, the WVBF members are not authorized to be accompanied by family members or friends whose costs should be born by the WVBF, National federations, Associations, Individual, clubs or other organizations except if the concerned organization or Individual has clearly authorized it and assumes the additional costs.
5. The members shall fulfill their mission with diligence and care. They will do their best to avoid any act likely to tarnish the WVBF image and reputation.
6. The members shall achieve the assigned duties and functions with full responsibility without being controlled and in the complete respect and the best interest of the Beach Volleyball, the Volleyball and the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles and regulations.
7. The members must not be involved with companies or persons whose activities are
inconsistent with the principles defined in the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles and regulations.
8. The members are not authorized to give or accept imperative voting instruction for WVBF bodies’ elections.
The Conflict of Interest means a situation where :
• a person could have a gain or a personal advantage, direct or indirect, from a third party, due to his(her) decision(s) taken in the accomplishment of his(her) functions;
• the silence, the opinion or the decision of a person acting alone within an WVBF body or organization could be reasonably considered as possibly influenced by the relations which that person has, had or is going to have with another person or organization which could be affected by his(her) decision;
• a person performing a function on behalf of any of the WVBF members, suppliers or
partners is required to declare any possible conflict arising from his function or personal involvement with another WVBF member, supplier or partner;
• each WVBF member is responsible for avoiding any conflict of interest;
• confronted to a possible conflict of interest’s situation, the concerned person must refrain to give his(her) opinion, to decide or to accept any advantage. In case of doubt on an eventual conflict of interest’s situation, the concerned person should consult the Ethics commission/foundation in ethic which will act according to the regulations. This consultation will remain confidential.
1. The WVBF and WVBF members’ resources will be used principally for sport.
2. The income and expenses of each WVBF member will respect the transparency principle, the accounting rules and the legal obligations of their respective country. The accounts will be controlled by an external and independent auditor. If necessary, the member’s accounts will be audited by an external expert appointed by the WVBF Board of Administration.
3. The members recognize the importance of the contribution allocated to Beach Volleyball and Volleyball development and image by the TV, sponsors and other partners. However, their contribution and their modalities must respect the sport rules and the provisions defined in the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles and regulations. The TV, sponsors and other partners cannot intervene into the running of the sport institutions and the smooth running of the competitions which are the sole competence of the WVBF and her members.
1. Only the persons who distinguish themselves with a high moral behavior and who accept without exception to obey the Constitution and present Ethical principles, are eligible to the position of official or any body’s member.
The persons who do not or not fulfill any more theses criteria, are not eligible or should be excluded from their position. Are not eligible or should be excluded the persons whose definitive penal condemnation is incompatible with the exercise of his (her) function.
2. The conditions violating the democratic elections procedures and the Ethical principles, and giving advantages to any candidature’s category or excluding any other category are contrary to the democratic principles and cannot be accepted by the members.
3. The election to the WVBF Presidency or to any body’s membership should be held by secret ballot even if there is one sole candidate. As the ballot is secrete, the members cannot, individually or collectively, either announce in any form their voting intention or invite to vote for a candidate.
4. No meeting, no gathering in any form can be held in order to promote a candidature.
5. Equality of opportunity for the candidates must be guaranteed. A candidate in function should not abuse of his (her) position in order to influence the members’ vote.
6. The sanctions applied within the WVBF notably the expulsion of a member must respect the hearing rights of the member and must be based on the provisions foreseen in the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles and regulations.
1. The members pledge to represent with dignity the WVBF, the regions, the national
federations, Associations and the clubs in all their activities. They will commit to entertain harmonious relations with the IOC, the Olympic movement members, the states, the sponsors and the media in accordance with the WVBF universality, political neutrality principles and the Individual, Federations and Associations independency. However the humanism, fraternity and respect spirit for the human being, who inspire the sport ideals, require from the governments hosting competitions that their countries respect strictly the fundamentals principles of the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles and regulations.
2. The members are free to participate to the public life of their respective country. However, they shall not exert an activity or believe in an ideology contrary to the ethics, freedom and humanism principles defined in the Constitution and the present Ethical principles.
3. The WVBF members will do their best to safeguard the environment when organizing
competitions. During the competitions, they will commit to respect and have respected the general recognized rules for the environment protection.
1. The members shall fulfill their functions with an absolute loyalty and they shall not disclose confidential information or documents which they have got in the achievement of their function. The disclosure of information should not generate a personal profit or gain, either be made to tarnish a person or an organization’s reputation.
1. Disciplinary procedures shall be initiated directly by the WVBF Board of administration or the WVBF injured member who cease the Ethics commission. With the exception of the expulsion of a National Federation, Association or a Individual which is the exclusive competence of the Congress and the pure sports cases which are the competence respectively of the organizing committee, legal commission, Board of Administration and by appeal the CAS in Lausanne, the ethics commission can at any time be ceased by the WVBF Board of administration and/or any injured member for any breach of the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles and regulations. The ethics commission has the full power to investigate with all the means and WVBF support and documentation on the denounced case. The ethics commission recommends to the Board of administration after her inquiry to sanction or not the concerned member(s) according to the international law, Olympic charter and fundamental principles, WVBF Constitution, regulations and present Ethical principles.
2. A sanction may not be proposed to the Board of administration before the WVBF member concerned has had the opportunity to be heard and to present his (her) case.
3. A WVBF member who, after having been sanctioned for a violation of the WVBF Constitution, Ethical principles or regulations, commits another violation of the same kind is subject to an increase in the severity of the sanction.
4. After having received the recommendation of the ethics commission, the WVBF Board of administration will take its decision according to the Constitution and will notify it to the member(s) concerned. This decision will indicate the deadline and appeal process, specifically mentioning the competent institution to revise the decision taken.
Sanctions imposed by the National Federations or Associations may be appealed to the WVBF Board of Administration within thirty days (30) calendar from their notification.
1. The present Ethical principles will apply to all WVBF members as defined in the Constitution.
2. The members will denounce to the ethics commission any breach of the Constitution and the present Ethical principles.
3. The ethics commission may define criteria and provisions in order to implement the present Ethical principles.
These Ethical principles enter into force immediately as approved by the 2006 WVBF Congress in Copenhagen on 25th November 2006.
WVBF new headquarters in Vevey
After the huge success of its Beach Volleyball world championships on the mythical
Market Square last summer, The World Volleyball and Beach volleyball Federation
(WVBF in the text), the only world volleyball institution which respects and fully
implements the Ethical principles of the International Olympic Committee (IOC):
democratic elections with secret ballots, financial transparency and development,
continues its collaboration with the city of Vevey by moving its headquarters to the
« Rue de Lausanne » in Vevey.
(Vevey, The 22th of October 2009) In August, the WVBF Beach Volleyball World
Championship Protour presented by Cornèrcard took place on Vevey’s Market
Square, the largest open square in Europe. 7 women's teams and 8 men's teams
from all over the world struggled during four days under the sun, facing the lake and
in front of thousands of spectators. This event was a real success both for WVBF, for
the Vevey sports department (chaired by Jean–Marc Bryois) and for the municipality.
Today, Vevey’s authorities confirm their support for the 2010 WVBF Protour leg and
are proud to host the WVBF new headquarters, based in the « Rue de Lausanne
WVBF President Jean Pierre Seppey states " I am really impressed by the
enthusiasm for beach volleyball shown by the people of Vevey. Our sport is primarily
based on development within a total respect of all Olympic codes and ethical values.
The WVBF, which currently counts more than 80 national associations around the
world, enjoys welcoming in Vevey colleagues and members from the five continents".
Market Square last summer, The World Volleyball and Beach volleyball Federation
(WVBF in the text), the only world volleyball institution which respects and fully
implements the Ethical principles of the International Olympic Committee (IOC):
democratic elections with secret ballots, financial transparency and development,
continues its collaboration with the city of Vevey by moving its headquarters to the
« Rue de Lausanne » in Vevey.
(Vevey, The 22th of October 2009) In August, the WVBF Beach Volleyball World
Championship Protour presented by Cornèrcard took place on Vevey’s Market
Square, the largest open square in Europe. 7 women's teams and 8 men's teams
from all over the world struggled during four days under the sun, facing the lake and
in front of thousands of spectators. This event was a real success both for WVBF, for
the Vevey sports department (chaired by Jean–Marc Bryois) and for the municipality.
Today, Vevey’s authorities confirm their support for the 2010 WVBF Protour leg and
are proud to host the WVBF new headquarters, based in the « Rue de Lausanne
WVBF President Jean Pierre Seppey states " I am really impressed by the
enthusiasm for beach volleyball shown by the people of Vevey. Our sport is primarily
based on development within a total respect of all Olympic codes and ethical values.
The WVBF, which currently counts more than 80 national associations around the
world, enjoys welcoming in Vevey colleagues and members from the five continents".
Second Congress of the World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Federation
" On the road to the IOC ”
(Lugano, on Thursday, December 11th, 2008) the Congress of the World Volleyball and Beach
volleyball federation (WVBF in the text), unanimously approved the resolution inviting the WVBF board
of administration to implement everything for obtaining from the International Olympic Committee
(IOC) the recognition for the Olympic sport of Volleyball and for its disciplines specially the Beach
Since its creation, the WVBF is the only world Volleyball and Beach volleyball federation who respect
and apply:
• The Olympic charter
• The Olympic movement fundamentals
• The ethics
• The democracy among which elections by secret ballot
• The financial transparency
• The Court Arbitration of the sport (CAS)
• The world anti-doping agency ( WADA)
• The protection of the athletes
This resolution signs a new era in WVBF’s life WVBF, a determinedly forward-looking era where
sports lives in harmony with ethics.
(Lugano, on Thursday, December 11th, 2008) the Congress of the World Volleyball and Beach
volleyball federation (WVBF in the text), unanimously approved the resolution inviting the WVBF board
of administration to implement everything for obtaining from the International Olympic Committee
(IOC) the recognition for the Olympic sport of Volleyball and for its disciplines specially the Beach
Since its creation, the WVBF is the only world Volleyball and Beach volleyball federation who respect
and apply:
• The Olympic charter
• The Olympic movement fundamentals
• The ethics
• The democracy among which elections by secret ballot
• The financial transparency
• The Court Arbitration of the sport (CAS)
• The world anti-doping agency ( WADA)
• The protection of the athletes
This resolution signs a new era in WVBF’s life WVBF, a determinedly forward-looking era where
sports lives in harmony with ethics.
Italy Beach Volley Federation (FIBV) : a new era for Beach Volleyball in Italy

The Italy Beach Volley Federation was founded according to the democratic principles and fully complies with the Olympic Charter and WADA regulations. Affiliated to WVBF, World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Federation, the FIBV is responsible in Italy for Beach Volleyball, its disciplines 2 x 2, 4 x 4 and for the national and international competitions’ organization.
WVBF President thankful message :
« It is my duty to congratulate officially Mr. Vittorio Silvestri for its dynamism and to thank him for having founded the FIBV, the Italy Beach Volley Federation, which constitutes a mile stone in WVBF network. We were right and honored, when a few months ago in Lausanne, we appointed Mr. Vittorio Silvestri as responsible to create a Federation in Italy. His huge courage, his managerial and organizational skills are obvious. Even if Italy is not an easy country, our project will succeed thanks to our honesty and our fundamentals », said Mr. Jean-Pierre Seppey, WVBF President.
Italian President speech :
The new founded FIBV Italy Beach Volley Federation offers to Italy « a new world for Beach Volleyball », said Mr. Vittorio Silvestri during the founding general assembly in Catania. A generous project focusing on youth. Furthermore. FIBV is affiliated to WVBF which Jean-Pierre Seppey develops worldwide. The new Italian Federation is an ideal constructive base to develop our extraordinary and fascinating beach sport.
For President Silvestri, this sport is composed of the key human topics : the sociability, the competitiveness, the passion, the respect, the wellness, the right balance between sport and body. These concepts are not only lived by the athletes but by the spectators as well. A trendy entertainment sport which carries social and cultural values the quality of which corresponds to a large public expectations.
This sensation is felt either by the athlete at the Olympic Games or by the quidam Sundays. For the first, this is competition, for the second, this is physical and psychical wellness. Both are convinced to be actors when practicing sport.
We can state that the FIBV is going to become really a key actor in the Sports World.
pic. caption: Vittorio Silvestri, President

Geneva, April 2008 – The World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball (WVBF) Federation held its Board of Administration meetings in Geneva last week, led by Jean-Pierre Seppey, its president in order to examine the achievements of these first two years since its creation and also to plan the development of its activities worldwide in the next two years. A gala dinner was held in closing at the Royal Hotel (Manotel Group) with the participation of many personalities among whom Mr Henri-Ferdinand Lavanchy.
On Friday evening April 11 over 100 participants attended the WVBF Gala Dinner – donors, sponsors, guests, WVBF officials – were there to support the development actions in favour of underprivileged children around the world. Jean-Pierre Seppey, president of the Federation spoke about the importance of field action in behalf of the needy populations and stressed how, especially among the younger ones, volleyball should first be a game of fun, friendship and amusement before becoming a sport. He also reminded the audience of one of the many decisions made by the Board of Administration to support from an ethical, legal and communication point of view, any Volleyball or Beach Volleyball player or official who would be suspended or expelled for unjustified reasons by any organization for having participated in a WVBF competition, activity or event. Geneviève Mendoza-Lavanchy, responsible for development, through a moving video clip, demonstrated the positive consequences of sport among children and teenagers. Finally, Alexandre Czech, in charge of finances, reminded the public that « the transparency in our accounts and our actions is for us an absolute lifestyle and the foundation of all our decisions”.
The gala was honoured by the presence of Mr. Henri-Ferdinand Lavanchy, Swiss entrepreneur who, out of nothing but a vision, created the company which is today Adecco, the number 1 international temporary work company followed by the American Manpower. Mr. Lavanchy is a passionate promoter of sport and a defender of ethics in business and in sports.
The evening was skilfully entertained by the famous jazzman Doctor Gabs and his orchestra. Doctor Gabs, of Zaire background is a master of Swing and Boogie-Woogie and in 47 years of career has been on the world’s greatest scenes such as Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, Carnegie Hall in New York, and Victoria Hall in Geneva. A very talented author and composer, behind his piano brought fire to an enthusiastic audience. He will perform again exceptionally next April 24 at the dedication of « Gabs Music Lounge » in Geneva.
The WVBF, World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Federation, encourages every aspect of development and growth of Volleyball and Beach Volleyball around the world but above all in respect of ethics, fair-play, solidarity and financial transparency as well as the democratic principles of the Olympic Chart. Two years after its official launching the WVBF already has 60 national federations affiliated and is becoming, during this time of great troubles in the world of sports, as a standard of Olympic principles within its sport.
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